The most important feature of a good electric scooter for delivery will always be range. While there are a few other things to consider, none will be as important as the range of your scooter, and you will want as much range as you can get.
The minimum requirements for the range will vary depending on your job, your city, and your routes, but typically, people working in delivery have found that any scooter with a range less than 40 mi / 64 km is not a good choice. Even with some models with a range of 40 mi / 64 km, delivery people have found that they may need to charge their scooters on their breaks or throughout the day, which already makes them very inconvenient.
The second most important aspect of your delivery scooter will be its waterproofing, especially if you live somewhere with lots of rain. As you probably already know, hungry people don’t really care about the rain outside when they order their food, and you might have to ride through a lot of rain at some periods of the year. Your scooter must be as waterproof as it can possibly be.
Speed will likely be important, but not too much. There’s always the speed limit you need to keep in mind, and you will not be able to ride that fast anyway. However, a strong motor and good performance overall might be important for two other factors: the scooter’s weight limit, and its climb angle. Both of those depend on the motor directly.
Now, depending on the type of packages you deliver, the weight limit may not be that important, and most scooters shouldn’t have problems carrying those few extra pounds of weight from the package. The climb angle, however, can be very important, especially if you live somewhere with lots of hills and inclines.
Another important feature of a good delivery scooter is its storage features and capacity. While many people working in delivery, especially in food delivery, use square backpacks and boxes they carry on their backs, it would still be ideal if your scooter could share that load with you. Most electric scooters will not come with any storage features out-of-the-box, but also, most of them are able to support some kind of a trunk or a basket, and both of those can be of huge help.
Also, another accessory that you may want your scooter to be able to support is a seat. For some people, a seat will not be necessary, but if you’ve been standing on your scooter for 4 hours straight, a seat might be a good feature to have.
Since you will probably have to leave your scooter outside often, it would be good if the scooter comes with some security and locking features. You will almost certainly want a good scooter lock in any case, but the scooters that can be locked through their apps or with a key will have an additional advantage.
Finally, your scooter should provide a good ride quality. You will be spending a lot of time on your scooter, and you will definitely want to feel as comfortable and as safe as you can throughout that whole time.
In summary, a good electric scooter for delivery should satisfy as many of the following criteria as possible:
- long range (more than 40 mi / 64 km)
- strong waterproofing and IP rating
- good weight limit
- good climb angle
- can support storage accessories like trunks or baskets
- optionally can support a seat
- has locking features
- good ride quality in general
If you’re looking for the best picks in this category, see my guide on the best electric scooters for delivery.